The Creation Of A Colourful Three Second Looping Animation

The project was a three second GIF that loops seamlessly to the first frame without loss in quality. For any age or gender with an interest in motion or flamingos. Solution found through creative illustration, smooth motion and research on GIF exportation.

Flamingo illustration in frame mockup

The Journey And Creation Of The Animation

Creation of a fun unique concept with client approval. Following a mood board with vibrant colours and inspiration for illustration style. Storyboards exploring movements of the flamingo and motion concepts. Revision of storyboards to something simpler that better fits the GIF duration and is more subtle.  Illustration creation that best fits the concept and easy to move pieces for motion. Brought into After Effects for clean animation using ease. After client approval, the project was cropped and exported with no revisions needed.

Final Thoughts

"Experimenting with GIFs and Illustration with a colourful palette was an fun experience. Both the client and I were happy with the style and final results. If given the chance I would experiment more with lighting, camera motion and overall movement of the Flamingo."