Non-profit Campaign "It Stops With Us".

The ad campaign was for Interval House Ottawa to spread awareness to domestic abuse and offer resources. The deliverables was a short motion video, an instagram carousel, a poster and a rack card. The statistics were bold to capture the attention of the target audience and to emphasize the importance. The illustration of the dove and the cage was to represent the freedom and support received at Interval House. 

Campaign ad motion mockup

Creation Of The "It Stops With Us" Campaign

The goal of the ad campaign was to create awareness to domestic abuse and Interval House's resources for women. With impactful imagery of a dove fleeing from a cage to represent new found freedom. The deliverables offer resources that can help women in need. The idea was to place posters in women's only spaces away from their partners. There women can scan the QR code call the number provided.

The colour palette was light to keep the focus on the message. The illustrations were clean and simple for the same reason. The font is clean and modern to fit the illustration style. The message "It Stops With Us!" is referencing to the cycle of abuse from happening again. 

Campaign poster mockup
Rack card campaign mockup

Final Thoughts

Overall the campaign is a very important and impactful message. I was shocked by the statistics and wanted to focus on this growing problem in Canada. I was happy with the final design and how the style across all deliverables was consistent. I was glad I brought attention to a very important cause.  

Campaign instagram mockup