Short animation illustration

Adorable Girl and The Crow Short Animation

The Girl and The Crow is a fun and adorable short motion video. The story follows a girl leaving a cafe. As she is walking down the street she encounters a hungry little crow. The girl offers it a piece of her donut walking away, but doesn't realize the crow follows her. The short video ends with the crow landing on her shoulder and the two becoming friends.

The Creation Of Scenes

I started by creating storyboards and a mood board. I then went on to illustrating the scenes in Adobe Illustrator placing different moving parts on separate layers to move easier in After Effects. Once I had style frames I finished creating all illustration and brought them in to animate them. The goal was to create subtle movements that work with the style and within the short time frame. With easing and puppet warping tools I was able to create a simple short motion story. Finally I added in the audio effects and some fun music to fit the playful story.  

The Girl and the Crow Animation

Final Thoughts

Overall creating illustrations in a cartoon style was fun. I liked experimenting with different tools and techniques in After Effects. I was satisfied with the bright colour palette I chose and the life I brought to my artwork.